Hurry! Our next live webinar starts January 2022

Compassion Fatigue: How to Stay Healthy and Happy Working with Animals

Learn how to recognize the difference between burnout and compassion fatigue, take tests to show your susceptibility to both, and gain strategies for self-care that will help build resiliency so that you can continue in your career helping animals.

What is it?

compassion fatigue

Compassion Fatigue is a daily reality for anyone working in the animal welfare field. Whether you perform euthanasia or witness animal cruelty and neglect, you are witnessing the worst in human nature almost every day. This exposure can lead to anger, anxiety and even numbness about your work, which can take a toll on other relationships as well. Compassion Fatigue is not burnout, but the result of excessive demands on your empathy, which may leave you dreading your job or wishing you could stop the exhausting feeling that you’re drowning in the suffering of animals.

Who should attend the course?


Compassion Fatigue workshops are appropriate for entire animal shelter/clinic staff, including those working in management, adoptions, intake, education, foster care, outreach (PR, marketing, volunteering, special events, grants, donor relations), kennels, clinics, and administrative staff as it’s important for everyone to know what is happening in other departments. Supervisors are highly recommended to take the class with their staff.

French Bulldog with breast cancer sitting in front of white background

Participates will learn:

What compassion fatigue is and how it differs from work stress or burnout.

What triggers compassion fatigue.

What are the symptoms of compassion fatigue.

Where the participant falls on the compassion fatigue/burnout scale through a self-assessment.

Tips on how to set boundaries.

Steps towards an action plan to practice self-care and become more resilient.

Additional program details: Workshop can be given multiple times during the day to space out attendees, so everyone can attend at the shelter can attend without you closing the shelter/clinic

Additional program details: Agency can apply for Continuing Education for animal control officers and others, if needed.

Sherry Derdak

Sherry Derdak

President San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition

“San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition asked Cathy to give her talk on Compassion Fatigue at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. Throughout the 45-minute talk you could see many nodding heads and even a few tears. Given the subject matter, it was surprisingly entertaining, and considering the rave reviews, others agreed. Cathy is not only an excellent speaker, she has a down-to-earth approach that connects with her audience. We are circulating her excellent handout among rescuers who could not attend. We highly recommend Cathy as a motivational speaker!”

“Fantastic outlook, loved how it gave me more options & made me aware of some flaws.”

“One of my most favorite speakers, ever.”


Compassion Fatigue:
Learning How to Help My Staff

This 60-minute session is just for supervisors and managers to discuss how to recognize compassion fatigue/burnout in staff and provide suggestions on what steps might be taken to create an environment where animal welfare professionals feel cared for.

Who should attend? All supervisors, managers, directors, and executive director – anyone on staff who manages people.

Participants will learn:

  • What compassion fatigue is and how it differs from work stress or burnout.
  • What circumstances trigger compassion fatigue and burnout.
  • How to recognize the symptoms of compassion fatigue in staff.
  • How to set boundaries for staff.
  • How to increase communications between you and the staff.
  • How to engage and encourage staff in self-care.

Online training: $36 per person ( 2hr session), includes the original Compassion Fatigue workshop
On-Site training: 1-hour, given on the same day as the Compassion Fatigue for Animal Welfare Professionals. No additional charge.

Training formats


Online basic training for individuals:
1 hour starting at $18 per person


On-site training for entire staff:
2 hours, includes Bonus program for managers and supervisors.


Why wait? Guarantee your spot for our next live webinar.

Don't delay

Why put off the opportunity to overcome or thwart against compassion fatigue and become more resilient so you can continue in your service helping and caring for helpless animals?

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