Welcome to the Pet Pundit®


As Seen With - Cathy Rosenthal

Encourage Kindness to Animals!

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Welcome to the Pet Pundit®

Updated Dec 19, 2024

For those who have visited the Pet Pundit® site before, this new site probably comes as a surprise. I have decided to change everything to make the site easier to access and more relevant to your needs. I also wanted a venue where you could comment and post your thoughts as well.

For those who don’t much about me, I have worked in the animal welfare field for more than 20 years, both for local animal shelters and a national animal welfare organization.  I combine those years working in the trenches helping dogs, cats, and other pets with a background in journalism to present helpful information on animal issues and concerns. I currently write a Q&A pets column for the San Antonio Express-News, a syndicated pet column that appears all over the U.S., and content for animal welfare groups.

I can be reached via email at moc.tidnuptepobfsctd@yhtac.

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