Presidential legacy may be linked to pet names


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Presidential legacy may be linked to pet names

Updated Dec 8, 2024

Turns out, if you are a good little President, your followers may someday honor you by naming their pets after you.

When historians and political pundits look back on a President’s legacy, there may something more to review than job creation or approval ratings. Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI), the nation’s oldest and largest provider of pet health insurance, scoured its database of more than 467,000 insured pets to pinpoint which presidential last names were most commonly given to dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets. Here’s their top ten list.

President Lincoln's dog was not named after a president. His dog was named Fido.
President Lincoln's dog was named Fido.

Most Common Presidential Pet Names
1. “Lincoln”
2. “Reagan”
3. “Kennedy”
4. “Hoover”
5. “Jefferson”
6. “McKinley”
7. “Nixon”
8. “Roosevelt”
9. “Clinton”
10. “Obama”/“Eisenhower”

VPI considered and ranked only the pet names with obvious connections to presidents of notoriety. Names that could also double as traditional human and pet surnames – like “Madison” and “Jackson” – did not qualify. Surprisingly, the nation’s first president (Washington) and our most recent leader (Bush) were hardly represented, owning counts of three and one, respectively.

To view a list of more pet names on the uncommon end of the spectrum, you can visit here.

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